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Installation - PITT

The School of Information Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh, in cooperation with the VISIC Lab, set aside a room and bought the equipment for a CaveUT-based immersive environment. It is intended for general use in the school for student and faculty research projects. For example:

Duncan, M., Kelley, M., Jacobson, J. (2006) High School Graduate Refines Gyromouse Interface for Virtual Reality; Preteens Play Crucial Role. Computer Graphics Quarterly, Vol. 40, No. 2, ACM SIGGRAPH (publisher), August 2006.

VcaveThe Virtual Theater has four projectors, two projecting onto the back wall of the room and two more projecting onto the sides. Essentially it is two two-walled caves stuck together. The image above, shows Lyle Seethaller standing in front of his Virtual Audubon Exhibit, which he built using the authoring tools that come with Unreal Tournament.

Mni CaveWith Dr. Michael Lewis's support, Jeffrey Jacobson constructed the first portable two-walled V-Cave, described in the CaveUT documentation. Jeffrey Jacobson showed it at several conferences in 2002-2004. This arrangement uses tripod-mounted projectors to illuminate screens stretched from a collapsible frame made from PVC pipe. The entire assembly collapses into standard (although large) airline luggage. The VISIC staff constructed thier own V-Cave, which they used for demonstrations throughout Pennsylvania. The VISIC staff also constructed the MiniCave, a desktop immersive display shown in the image above.

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