I: Install Software on Each Client Computer

These instructions describe what must be done for each PC that produces the digital image for one screen of your multi-screen display. They presume that you have already downloaded all necessary files described on the Downloads page.

Step 1: Install Unreal Tournament 2004

This merely requires that you follow the instructions that came with the Unreal Tournament 2004 download or disc.

Step 2: Install the Latest Code Patch

From whichever directory you saved it to, execute this file. It will find your UT2004 installation and modify it.

Step 3: Backup Specific Files

Installing CaveUT will change the following files in your C:/UT2004/system/ directory:

It's a good idea to make copies of them before you get started. In the unlikely event that installation of CaveUT corrupts your UT installation, you can always repair it by bringing these files back.

Step 4: Run the CaveUT Installer

Doubleclick on CaveUT-2004-v1.1.ut4mod and follow the instructions. It should find your current UT2004 installation to which it will add these files in the UT2004/System directory:

It will also change certain parameters in user.ini and ut2004.ini.

Step 5: Verify the Video Options

Launch UT2004 via its shortcut in the Start Menu. From the initial main menu, click on "Settings" to get the settings menu shown below. The tabs along the top let you change the screen to access different groups of settings. It usually defaults to the video settings, which is convenient.

The CaveUT Installer should have set the screen resolution to 1024x768, because that is typical for most off-the-shelf LCD/DLP projectors. If you want to project at a lower or higher resolution, you can set it manually in the dialogue box under the Video tab. It would be better to edit the UT2004/System/ut2004.ini file, and set FullscreenViewportX, FullscreenViewportY to the values desired, the set MenuViewportX and MenuViewportY to the SAME values.

There are no hard and fast rules for further adjustment of the video options; you should experiment with the other settings until the video projection suits your tastes, preferences, and purposes.

Step 6: Make Sure the Sound Is Turned Off

The CaveUT Install should have done this. In a typical CaveUT installation, you only want the server machine to be producing the sound effect. Otherwise you get a cacophony of sound effects, most of which are the same sound, but with each machine slightly out of phase with the server. Volume controls for the different types of sound in Unreal are controlled by certain slider bars in the dialoge box/page under the "Audio" tab of the "Settings." page.

Last updated January 16, 2004.
URL: http://www.planetjeff.net/ut/CUT4Install1.html
This page is copyright © 2004 by Jeffrey Jacobson.
See this web site's copyright notice for information
on duplicating or distributing this page or its contents.