
Personal Contributors in reverse alphabetical order:

Joe Manjlovich: Designed the CaveUT2003 Mutator and the Linux version of CaveUT 1.2.

Willem de Jonge: Willem wrote VRGL, a modified OpenGL library package upon which CaveUT2003 depends. VRGL handles the perspective correction effects. Willem also write the view rotation math for the CaveUT Mutator.

Jeffrey Jacobson: CaveUT was his big idea; general design and project management, testing and integration; provided content and wrote the rough draft of this web site; performed view rotation mathematics and wrote OpenGL code for CaveUT 1.1.; performed the physical design of the V-Cave design and provided instructions for replicating it.

Zimmy Hwang: Wrote game code and provided general help with CaveUT version 1.1.

Aaron Allston: Edited the web-based documentation.

Institutional contributors in reverse alphabetic order:

Ken Sochats and his Visual Information Systems Center:   Sochats' lab's contribution to CaveUT lies mainly in the fact that they have used it extensively, becoming very helpful in debugging CaveUT. In addition, they built the desktop-sized MiniCave and their own portable V-Cave, demonstrating them all over the Pennsylvania, have loaned Jeffrey Jacobson equipment, and continue to pursue a number of CaveUT-based projects.

Dr. Mark Redfern and his Medical Virtual Reality Center: Permitted Zimmy Hwang and Jeffrey Jacobson to use the BNAVE for development and testing. By extension, the creation of CaveUT is partially sponsored by NIH P30 Grant DC05205 through the Department of Otolaryngology, University of Pittsburgh.

Dr. Michael Lewis and his Useablity Lab: Provided extensive personal, academic, and material support. By extension, the creation of CaveUT is partially sponsored by AFOSR contract F49640-01-1-0542 through the Department of Information Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh. Thanks also go to everyone else in the department who have helped in other ways and generally tolerated Jeffrey Jacobson's creative process.

Epic Games: Wrote an excellent game engine and associated open-sourced game code.

Last updated January 16, 2004.
This page is copyright © 2004 by Jeffrey Jacobson.
See this web site's copyright notice for information
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